![Hero image](https://www.tes.com/cdn/app-resource-store/5d51d34/img/hero.jpg)
English language arts
The Silver Sword Comprehension Skills "Find a Group of Words" (Year 5/6/7/8)
A worksheet for pupils to decide on true or false but practice showing how they formed that decision
GPS within Genres Guide - Years 1-8
A guide to how to fit in GPS and other elements to each genre.
Has been used to plan out weeks prior to final writing to ensure GPS coverage
Goodnight Mr Tom Diary Activity
Year 5/6/7/8 Extended Writing opportunity
picture resources within
Great independent activity for more able in Guided Reading
KS1/2 Speaking and Listening Record Sheet (2014 Curriculum)
Assessment sheet which uses both self, peer and adult evaluation.
In WORD format so you can adapt as necessary
2014 Curriculum
Goodnight Mr Tom Year 5/6/7/8 3 WEEK Planning
Designed for Year 6 but easily adaptable.
The purpose is 1 week reading, 1 week GPS and 1 week writing with publishing.
Throughout there are multiple opportunities for writing to gather evidence for assessments/KS2 Writing
covers 2014 national curriculum
comprehension resources included
added resource of challenge activities for the same chapters as are used in the plans
Goodnight Mr Tom 3 week planning Year 6
3 weeks of planning for Year 6
Very focussed on prep for SATS
Opportunties to evidence writing skills
Goodnight Mr Tom Greater Depth Challenge Questions/Tasks
Suitable for year 5/6/7/8
Challenge activities for more able and Greater Depth